Wednesday 21 December 2016

Tippets: Broken Promise of Hatcheries, Boundary Waters Mines Rejected, Montana Quiet Waters Initiative

  • In a recent article Kurt Beardslee writes about the broken promise of fish hatcheries. “In a cruel irony, the government’s solution to wild fish loss has been a century-long ecological and genetic war on wild salmon and steelhead.” Via The Cleanest Line.
  • Federal agencies have rejected proposed mines near Minnesota’s Boundary Waters. “The decision halts a proposed sulfide-ore copper mine project from destroying the pristine waters of America’s most popular wilderness area – a prime hunting, fishing and recreation destination that helps support 17,000 jobs and drive $850 million in economic activity annually.” Via National Wildlife Foundation.
  • The Montana Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers has proposed a “Quiet Waters Initiative,” which would regulate advanced motorized technology on Montana’s waterways. Comment and take action here.


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