Wednesday 25 January 2017

Tippets: Planned Rollback of Clean Water Rule, Wild Trout vs. Hatchery on the Au Sable River, Saving the Everglades

  • Part of the Trump Administration’s newly released plan for energy issues includes elimination of the Waters of the U.S. Rule. Commonly known as the Clean Water Rule, it “not only helped restore protections to streams and rivers of vital importance to anglers, it also restored protections to waterways that provide drinking water for millions of people.” Read more on this issue that has far-reaching impacts for anglers, via Hatch Magazine.
  • Output from the commercial Grayling Fish Hatchery in Grayling, Michigan is threatening the health of the famous Au Sable River. “To me it boils down to: We know this is the most valuable brown trout fishery in the state and this is the largest fish farm,” says Josh Greenberg, owner of the Gates Au Sable Lodge, “With no great reason economically to do the fish farm, why are we risking the Au Sable fishery for a few jobs?” Via The New York Times.
  • A TED talk by conservation photographer Mac Stone shines light on the effect human development has had in the Florida Everglades. Through the presentation, “He hopes to reintroduce these wetlands to the public and encourage them to protect it through his breathtaking photography.” Take action to help protect the Everglades here, and listen to the TED talk here.


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