Wednesday 22 February 2017

Tippets: Trout Fishing & Toxic Waters, Financial Assessment of Pebble Deposit, B.C. Steelhead, Proposed Paradise Valley Mine

  • President Trump recently signed a bill nullifying the Office of Surface Mining’s Stream Protection Rule, which was designed to further protect waterways from coal mining waste. “There is, of course, a public health element to this, too,” writes Monte Burke. “Some of those toxins could easily seep into groundwater. An alternative headline to this post could have read: “Hey Humans Who Drink Water, Get Ready To Enjoy Some Toxic Heavy Metals.”” Via Forbes.
  • Kerrisdale Capital Management has released a financial assessment of the Pebble deposit, calling it “not commercially viable.” “Though the legal and regulatory problems that will continue to plague the Pebble project even under a Trump presidency are enormous, the project’s Achilles’ heel is more fundamental: economics.” Via Seeking Alpha.
  • Bob Hooton writes about the state of steelhead in British Columbia. “While the steelhead fishing community is preoccupied with the latest, greatest equipment and techniques that facilitate catching a steadily increasing proportion of a fixed or diminishing supply of fish, the degradation and sell off of the last of the best rivers in British Columbia goes unnoticed.” Via Steelhead Voices.
  • The ecosystem of Yellowstone National Park is under threat from a Canadian mining company’s proposed mine in Paradise Valley. Read about the issue and take action here, via The Greater Yellowstone Coalition.


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