Wednesday 8 March 2017

Tippets: Clean Water Rule Rollback, Future of the Pebble Mine, ‘Namgis First Nation and Wild Salmon, Mine Proposed on Chuitna River

  • President Trump’s attempts to roll back the Clean Water Rule, removing protections for small streams and wetlands, is bad news for anglers and fish. The only good news, writes Monte Burke, is “the process of rolling back this rule could take many years.” via Forbes.
  • With a change in presidential administrations, the Pebble Mine returned with a promising future. Tim Sohn writes about the issue in detail in the article “Alaska’s Pebble Mine and the Legend of Trump’s Gold” via The New Yorker. “Even if the E.P.A. stands down and a major investor comes on board, the mine still faces a daunting level of local activism and opposition.”
  • BC’s ‘Namgis First Nation is an indigenous Canadian community that has historically relied on subsistence fishing and sees farmed salmon as an existential threat. Hannah Griffin reports on the future for the ‘Namgis First Nation and wild salmon via Vice.
  • PacRim, a Texas-based coal mining operation, has proposed a massive open-pit mining operation that would go directly through the Chuitna River watershed in Alaska. Justin Housman outlines the threat via Adventure Journal.


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