Wednesday 31 May 2017

Tippets: The Future of Salmon and Dams, Yellowstone Considering Ban on Felt, Napa Vineyards and Habitat Destruction

  • Despite court cases and removal of dams, “the future of Idaho’s salmon remains as uncertain today as in the 1990s when they were protected by the nation’s most powerful environmental law,” writes Rocky Barker. He embarks on a new series to “illuminate what humans can do to best help the fish that swim through all our lives in a time of economic transition and rapid climate change,” Via Idaho Statesman.
  • Yellowstone National Park is considering a felt sole ban for wading anglers. “We wouldn’t want to ban a boot style if there wasn’t an alternative, but now there are alternatives,” says Todd Koel, Yellowstone National Park native fish conservation program leader. “That’s why, as a part of bolstering our overall aquatic invasive species prevention in Yellowstone, the park will probably be going to a ban on felt soles in 2018.” Via East Idaho News.
  • The expansion of vineyards in California’s Napa Valley region is encroaching on oak and other woodlands and is adversely affecting fish and wildlife. “Extensive water diversions, groundwater pumping, and increased agriculture (vineyards) water use during the dry season have reduced the extent of suitable summer rearing habitat… throughout much of the Napa River watershed,” report NMFS scientists. Via Yale.


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