Wednesday 13 December 2017

Tippets: Wildfires & Water, North America’s Largest Marine Reserve

  • As water use worries grow, so does the use of fire retardants to fight wildfires. However these chemicals come with harmful side effects and scant regulation. “The chemicals, largely consist of ammonia compounds, are known toxins to fish and other aquatic life,” reports Matt Weiser. “Studies have shown retardants can kill fish, alter soil chemistry, feed harmful algae blooms and even encourage the spread of invasive plants. Yet there is little regulation of their use and no safer alternatives on the market.” Via News Deeply.
  • Mexico has designated an ocean region near its southwestern coast as a protected area. “Uniquely rich in marine biodiversity, the area is North America’s largest marine reserve, at nearly 58,000 square miles.” Read more on the new and important designation via Smithsonian.


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