Wednesday 14 March 2018

Tippets: Yellowstone National Park Bans Felt Soles, Florida’s Coastal Collapse, Donlin Gold Mine Proposed in Alaska

  • Concern over invasive species has led Yellowstone National Park to ban the use of felt sole wading boots. Inspection of watercraft will also be available. Via U.S. News and World Report.
  • Coastal Florida ecosystems are collapsing, threatening sea grass, fisheries, recreation and local economies. “What’s to blame?” asks Kevin Spear. The answer: “A historic toll of chronic pollution and crippled drainage has been compounded by drought in recent years and El Niño downpours this winter.” Via The Orlando Sentinel.
  • While the proposed Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay has garnered much attention, a lesser known mine proposal would also have devastating effects on the environment and fisheries. The Donlin Gold mine could soon get a green light for the massive open-pit mine in Alaska’s remote southwestern Kuskokwim Mountains and would have great impact on subsistence hunting and fishing practiced by many local villages. Via E&E News.


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