Wednesday 18 April 2018

Tippets: Rice Farmers Help California Salmon, Snake River Renewable Energy, Washington Bans Salmon Farms

  • California rice farmers are helping foster bug populations in floodplains to help support native salmon. “”What farmers are doing is reconnecting that floodplain natural wealth to the river system where it’s needed,” says Jacob Katz, senior scientist for California Trout.” More fish equals a win-win for everybody. It means we have a system that works for people and for the environment.” Via NPR.
  • According to a new study from the NW Energy Coalition, dams on the lower Snake River could be replaced by renewable energy resources. “The advocacy group says this means dam removal doesn’t have to be a choice between salmon and renewable energy.”
  • Washington has passed a bill that will ban salmon farms in the state, phasing out the process by 2025. “This is a huge win for the public and an even greater win for wild fish,” said Kurt Beardslee, Executive Director of the Wild Fish Conservancy. Read more via Hatch Magazine.


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