Saturday 19 May 2018

Conservation Hawks Announces Outdoor Media Climate Challenge

Conservation Hawks has announced the 2018 Outdoor Media Climate Challenge, designed to recognize and reward compelling climate communicators. The Challenge runs from May 1, 2018 until December 1, 2018, and will be judged by the Outdoor Writers Association of America.

Read more in the press release below.

Conservation Hawks Announces $25,000 Outdoor Media Climate Challenge judged by the Outdoor Writers Association of America

From OWAA:

Conservation Hawks is proud to announce the 2018 Outdoor Media Climate Challenge, which will be facilitated and judged by the Outdoor Writers Association of America. The contest, which features more than $25,000 in cash prizes, is designed to recognize and reward media members who share an accurate, compelling climate message with Southeastern U.S. hunters and anglers.

“Human-caused climate change poses a serious threat to our fish and wildlife, to our landscapes and waters, and ultimately to our hunting and fishing,” noted Conservation Hawks president Todd Tanner. “We hope to raise the profile of the threat through this writing contest.”

The 2018 Outdoor Media Climate Challenge incentivizes outdoor media members, including writers, videographers, bloggers, photographers, radio & tv personalities, and others to produce and distribute strong, effective climate-focused media content that reaches hunters or anglers in the Southeastern U.S. Contestants may submit as many published stories, articles, blog posts, videos, radio segments, television segments, photo essays, podcasts, etc. as they choose.

There is no entrance fee.

“The Outdoor Writers Association of America is excited to facilitate and judge the 2018 Outdoor Media Climate Challenge,” said OWAA executive director Dr. Brandon D. Shuler. “I’ve participated in and judged numbers of exceptional writing contests over the course of my career. This contest, with more than $25,000 in prize money, will truly reward the contestants’ talent and hard work.”

The Climate Challenge has two categories: 1) Writing, which includes magazines, newspaper, e-zines, blogs, websites and other venues; and 2) Audio/Video/Still Images, which includes television, video, webcasts, radio, podcasts and photo essays.

Both of the First prize winners will receive $5000; both second prize winners, $3000; both third prize winners, $1000; both fourth prize winners, $750; and both fifth prize winners, $500. The judges will also choose one of the two First Prize winners as the Grand Prize winner, who will receive an additional $5000 for a $10,000 Grand Prize.

To enter the contest or for rules & guidelines, please visit either the Conservation Hawks website or the Outdoor Writers Association of America website.

The 2018 Outdoor Media Climate Change Challenge runs from May 1, 2018 until December 1, 2018.


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