Saturday 14 July 2018

Tippets: Lake Trout and Avian Collapse in Yellowstone, Power of a River to Change Minds, Salmon Rebounding on the Rogue

  • Invasive lake trout have severely diminished the native Yellowstone cutthroat trout in Yellowstone Lake. Now, a ripple effect is being seen in bird species as well. The deep-dwelling lake trout are not readily available for bald eagles, and they are preying on other birds instead. Todd Wilkinson writes about how lake trout are at the center of “avian collapse” in Yellowstone National Park. Via National Geographic.
  • In this article on Hatch Magazine, Justin Housman writes about a video that was made as part of a series put out by the U.S. Forest Service in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Wild and Scenic Rivers program. The video highlights Joe Bowen, who tells his story about changing his mind from being a proponent of dams, to supporting wild and free-flowing rivers.
  • On the Rogue River, eight dams have been removed or modified over the past decade. “Now its salmon help sustain commercial fishing, despite recent droughts that have devastated fish in other rivers.” Read more about the Rogue’s booming salmon population via Water Deeply.


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