Sunday 26 August 2018

Tippets: Wet Wading Footwear, Linda Leary of FisheWear

  • Good wet wading footwear can be hard to find. In this article, Chris Hunt runs down the list of options from sandals to wading boots, offering the pros and cons for each. “If you’re looking to ditch the waders and wade wet, there are any number of footwear solutions, from DIY to tailor-made. All come with different pros and cons save for a few universal realities: you’re going to get wet, and you’re not going to keep every grain of sand or gravel out of your footwear.” Via Hatch Magazine.
  • Linda Leary is the creator of the brand FisheWear. “After wearing her fair share of stodgy waders and drab shirts built with men in mind, she was determined to create a better option,” writes Kelly Bastone in this profile piece in Outside Online.


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