Saturday 15 September 2018

Tippets: Setting Up for Bonefish, Stream Position

  • In the eleventh episode of the second season of RIO’s How To series, learn “How To Set Up For A Bonefish Trip,” from Simon Gawesworth. In the short instructional film, “Simon talks about all the gear you will need to take with you on a bonefishing trip—from rod to fly and the most essential accessories.”
  • As an angler, one of the best tools at your disposal is simple: your feet. “Just a simple change in position can make the difference between getting skunked and having a great day on a trout stream,” writes Phil Monahan, “whether you’re fishing with nymphs, streamers, or dry flies.” Dave Jensen demonstrates simple rules for minimizing the number of current seams between you and feeding trout in this recent instruction.


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