Wednesday 10 October 2018

Tippets: Zinke Protects Yellowstone Gateway from Mining Interests, Atlantic Salmon Navigation, Roadless Rules in the Tongass

  • Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has announced a mining ban that will withdraw 30,000 acres near Yellowstone National Park from mineral leasing for the next 20 years. “We could not be happier with Secretary Zinke’s decision to protect the true source of economic value to the communities of the Yellowstone Gateway,” said Ben Bulis, AFFTA president. 
  • A new study has shown that Atlantic salmon, much like Pacific salmon, use the Earth’s magnetic field as a navigational tool. “The findings suggest that Atlantic salmon, which are widely used in aquaculture, may have greater potential to navigate and thus invade novel habitats if they escape their pens, researchers say.” Via
  • Proposed changes to the roadless rules in Alaska’s Tongass National Forest “could roll back important protections for valuable fish, wildlife and recreation areas.” Learn more via America’s Salmon Forest and leave your comment for the U.S. Forest Service on the importance of roadless areas.


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