Wednesday 27 February 2019

Tippets: Environmental Review Released of Pebble Mine, Resurrecting the Greenback, Climate Change and Ocean Color

  • The Trump administration has released the first draft environmental review of the controversial Pebble Mine. “The report is a key step in the regulatory process and will lead to a 90-day public comment period for the Southwest Alaska mine that has been in the works for more than a decade, the U.S. Army Corps said Wednesday.” Via Anchorage Daily News.
  • Lindsay Fendt reports on the work that continues in effort to restore greenback cutthroat trout populations in Colorado. “Whether the future form of Colorado’s state fish is a genetically hobbled version of its past self or a manipulated super greenback, it will need to weather changes both to its environment and to the whims of the people who safeguard it. To truly survive, the greenback will have to adapt on its own.” Via bioGraphic.
  • A new study recently published in the journal Nature Communications indicates that climate change will not only change the temperature of the oceans, but the color too. “Researchers modeled predicted climate change through the year 2100 and they think by then, 50 percent of the planet’s ocean water will have shifted in color.” Via Adventure Journal.

The post Tippets: Environmental Review Released of Pebble Mine, Resurrecting the Greenback, Climate Change and Ocean Color appeared first on MidCurrent.


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