Wednesday 19 July 2017

Tippets: Hunters and Anglers Turn on Zinke, Warming Oceans Force Fish from Native Waters, The Colorado Pikeminnow

  • Initially praised by fishing and hunting groups, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke is not finding favor with those groups now. “To date, it’s been overwhelmingly development, development, development,” says,” Whit Fosburgh, president of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, “without even lip service to conservation. That is troubling.” Via The Huffington Post.
  • Warming ocean temperatures are forcing fish from their native waters to find cooler habitat. In this article from Yale, Ben Goldfarb writes about the environmental impacts and steps fisheries managers are taking to weather the change.
  • The Colorado Pikeminnow is the largest Cyprinid fish in North America. Currently listed as a “vulnerable” species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, Jonathan Wright outlines the reintroduction efforts for this Western Water Wolf. Via Fly Fisherman.


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