Wednesday 12 July 2017

Tippets: New Technology for Monitoring Fisheries, Cutthroat Trout Rescued from Wildfire, Snake River Dam Removal

  • Recent approval of electronic monitoring “ushers in a new technology for data collection that will help not just fisheries in California, but fisheries around the world as well.” Cara Byington reports on the new technology and pilot programs, via The Nature Conservancy.
  • During the Hayden Pass wildfire in 2000, rare cutthroat trout were rescued from the south prong of Hayden Creek. Now in the Roaring Judy Hatchery near Gunnison, Colorado, the Hayden Creek cutthroat trout are now being reintroduced to area streams. Via Denver CBS.
  • David A. Cannamela writes about the Snake River and the proposed dam removal in a recent article in The Idaho Statesman. “Treating the symptoms is not the same as treating the cause,” he writes, “and only treating the cause will bring a lasting solution.”


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