Wednesday 23 August 2017

Tippets: Klamath Chinook Salmon, Northern Pike in the Columbia, Using Newspaper Records for Fisheries Research

  • The Karuk Tribe plans to file a petition to list Klamath River spring-run Chinook salmon as an endangered species. “The notices were sent a day after a UC Davis study published in Science Advances found spring-run Chinook salmon were genetically distinct from their fall-run counterparts — a distinction that has been debated for nearly 20 years.” Via Times Standard News.
  • Non-native northern pike continue to move downstream in the Columbia River and Lake Roosevelt. “The state and the tribes consider northern pike to be a threat to native fisheries with the potential for impacting salmon runs downstream from Chief Joseph Dam.” Via The Spokesman Review.
  • In a recent research project in Australia, scientists are working with The Nature Conservancy “to use historical newspaper records to gather data on recreational fishing in the Noosa Estuary, revealing declines in the fishery over time.” Via Cool Green Science.


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