Wednesday 16 August 2017

Tippets: Lahontan Cutthroat Migration, Smallmouth in the Yellowstone, Sea Lions & Steelhead

  • This year’s high snowpack in the Sierra Nevadas provided water flows that have enabled the Pilot Peak strain of Lahontan cutthroat trout “to migrate further into Nevada’s Truckee River waters than the fish has been able to do on its own in more than 80 years.” Watch more via the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • Non-native smallmouth bass are moving upstream in the Yellowstone River, and anglers and fisheries managers are concerned about their effect on the trout population. Jack Ballard writes about the issue in Montana Outdoors.
  • Sea lions continue to feast on threatened winter steelhead below Willamette Falls on Oregon’s Willamette River. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife highlighted the threat in a population feasibility study. “Without federal intervention, they said, there’s an 89 percent probability that least one population of the iconic fish species will go extinct in the near future.” Via Oregon Live.


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