Wednesday 31 January 2018

Tippets: EPA Upholds Protections for Bristol Bay, Road Approved Through Alaskan Wildlife Refuge

  • Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt has released a statement announcing that restrictions on mining in Bristol Bay will not be withdrawn. “This decision neither deters nor derails the application process of Pebble Limited Partnership’s proposed project. The project proponents continue to enjoy the protection of due process and the right to proceed. However, their permit application must clear a high bar, because EPA believes the risk to Bristol Bay may be unacceptable.”
  • The U.S. Department of the Interior has given The King Cove Corporation permissions to build a road through Alaska’s Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. “Past environmental reviews of the proposed project have concluded that the road would permanently damage the refuge, and recommended against construction. No new environmental reviews have been conducted since Drumpf took office.” The Adventure Journal.


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