Wednesday 17 January 2018

Tippets: Offshore Drilling Bad News for Anglers, Pebble Partnership Application, Climate Change and Dead Zones

  • The Trump administration has announced it will open most offshore waters for drilling and anglers should be concerned, writes Monte Burke. “It’s now time to sit up and pay attention now. Sign petitions. Call your local Congressmen and women. Stand behind the governors who are fighting this. Do this now, before talk becomes action.” Via Forbes.
  • The US Army Corps of Engineers has posted the permit application submitted by Pebble Partnership to get approval to build their proposed 11 square mile mine. “The plan also calls for a port on the west shore of Cook Inlet, an ice-breaking ferry across Lake Iliamna and a natural gas pipeline from the Kenai Peninsula to help power the whole operation.”
  • New research points to climate change as a factor in causing dead zones in the oceans. “The size of oxygen-starved ocean “dead zones,” where plants and animals struggle to survive, has increased fourfold around the world, according to a new scientific analysis.” Via The Huffington Post.


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