Friday 22 June 2018

American Rivers Receives Fisheries Fund Grant

American Rivers has been announced as the recipient of a $3,000 Fisheries Fund grant from the American Fly Fishing Trade Association. The funds will help in their work “removing invasive Russian olive trees along the Upper Yellowstone River and restoring native vegetation.”

Read more in the press release below.

American Rivers Receives Fisheries Fund Grant

BOZEMAN, MT. – AFFTA is pleased to announce that American Rivers has been awarded a Fisheries Fund grant in the amount of $3,000 for their work in removing invasive Russian olive trees along the Upper Yellowstone River and restoring native vegetation.

“Protecting, restoring, and conserving the health of our nation’s fisheries and beautiful places we find them is one of AFFTA’s main objectives. Without healthy rivers, lakes and oceans, abundant fish, and access, our industry—and our sport—will suffer. The work that American Rivers is engaged in is important, and we’re excited to support the Upper Yellowstone project.”

According to Scott Bosse, Northern Rockies Director of the organization, this project is focused on eradicating the only major infestation of non-native Russian olive trees along the Park County reach of the Upper Yellowstone River—a stand of trees that is wreaking environmental havoc on the river.

“By displacing native riparian vegetation such as willows and cottonwoods,” he reports, “they compromise riverbank stability, which puts more fine sediments to the river, smothering insect life and spawning gravels. They reduce shading, cover, and structure that wild trout depend on. Plus, the trees wall off the river, making access to prime water more difficult for float and wade anglers.

“With support from the AFFTA Fisheries Fund, we are working with local partners to eradicate the largest and furthest upstream invasion of Russian olives trees there.”

Following the removal of the trees, grant funding will be used to replant the area with native riparian vegetation such as willows and cottonwoods and then monitor and inventory the site for a period of five years to ensure the project is successful.

“This is a big deal for wild trout,” he adds. “A healthy riparian ecosystem is the foundation of the river’s wild trout fishery.”

Learn more about American Rivers at

The AFFTA Fisheries Fund was established in late 2014 with the main objective of funding organizations and projects focused on fisheries conservation and education. The Fisheries Fund is initially seeded with revenue from IFTD, and is now open to donations from AFFTA members and the general public. To learn more, apply for a grant, or make a contribution, visit

AFFTA advocates for and promotes the sustained growth of the fly fishing industry. By igniting consumer demand for products and services, providing businesses the tools to be successful, and advocating for access, protection and restoration of fishing waters, we will continue to enhance the passion and profitability of the sport of fly fishing.


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