Wednesday 20 June 2018

Tippets: Reclaiming the Klamath, State of Populations from the ASF, Chesapeake Bay Health Scorecard

  • After a fish kill on the Klamath in 2002, the Yurok Tribe has taken a leadership role in getting the fishery back on track. Anna V. Smith writes about the work of Amy Cordalis, general counsel for the Yurok Tribe, and the Yurok reclamation of the river. “While the Yurok Tribe, the largest in California, has secured a number of legal wins for water and salmon,” writes Smith, “two main issues on the Klamath remain the same: an over-allocated river and dams that diminish water quality.” Via High Country News.
  • The annual “State of the Populations” from the Atlantic Salmon Federation reports the number of Wild Atlantic Salmon in North American rivers have dropped by 15 percent, “and only half of the 84 rivers assessed in North America met the minimum conservation limit required to safely sustain the species.” Via CBC.
  • A new study from the University of Maryland reports the health of the Chesapeake Bay has improved. “For the first time since the university’s Center for Environmental Science Chesapeake Bay Report Card scores have been calculated, the positive trajectory that of the last 12 years is proof that efforts to improve conditions in the Bay are working.” Via Annapolis Patch.


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