Monday 9 July 2018

Five Rivers Lodge Kids Fishing Program

Five Rivers Lodge has announced a program this summer to promote getting families out on the water together. With any full priced adult stay at the lodge, children and grandchildren stay and fish for half price with no age restriction.

Read more in the press release below.

Five Rivers Lodge Kids Fishing Program

Dillon, Montana – Five Rivers Lodge would like to announce a special summertime take-a- kid-fishing promotion that provides parents and grandparents with a great opportunity to get their children and grandchildren involved in fly fishing.

With any full priced adult, children and grandchildren stay and fish for half price, there is no age restriction, nor is there any restriction on how many children a family can bring.  It is an opportunity for parents and grandparents to introduce their kids and grandkids to the sport fly fishing.

What better gift as a celebration present for graduation from high school, college, birthdays, or achieving any life milestone.  Enjoying time with children and grandchildren strengthens family relationships and establishes future family traditions and lifelong memories that can be passed along from generation to generation.  Bring your son or daughter whether they are 15 or 45 and let our guides do all the teaching, enjoy great accommodations and food, good fishing and great family time.

The offer is good at any time during the 2018 season depending on availability. There are no age restrictions on the children or to the number of children coming with a family.

About Five Rivers Lodge:  Located in Dillon, Montana, Five Rivers Lodge is within a 45 minute drive of five outstanding blue ribbon trout rivers: the Beaverhead, Big Hole, Ruby, Jefferson, and Madison rivers.   Please contact Five Rivers Lodge for more information at or visit our website at


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