Wednesday 1 August 2018

Tippets: New Normal for The West, Wild Trout of Hat Creek, Animas River Fish Kill

  • Drought and wildfire threaten wildlife and fish populations across the western United States. “The hotter, dryer weather is creating a “new normal” in the Southwestern U.S., affecting wildlife, communities and outdoor activities across the region.” Judith Kohler reports via The National Wildlife Federation.
  • This short film from CalTrout highlights the “Wild Trout Legacy” and renewal of Hat Creek. “Filmmaker Mike Wier weaves stories of the history, restoration and people of Hat Creek to demonstrate why it’s such a remarkable and special place.”
  • Heavy rains on the burn scar from the 416 wildfire near Durango, Colorado, has caused a fish kill in the Animas River due to ash and debris in the runoff water. Read about plans to assess damage to trout populations in this article via The Gazette.


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