Wednesday 6 February 2019

Tippets: Pacific Salmon Explorer Site, Wonders of Wedlands, New Conservation Measures Proposed for Striped Bass

  • The Salmon Watersheds Program of the Pacific Salmon Foundation has created a website, the Pacific Salmon Explorer Site, which is an interactive tool focusing on various factors affecting salmon and watershed health in British Columbia.
  • Wetlands play an integral part in an ecosystem, “from buffering coasts against floods to filtering water and storing carbon.” In this post by Jennifer Weeks of The Conversation, find five articles that “highlight wetlands’ diversity and the potential payoffs from conserving and restoring them.”
  • The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries is set to propose two new conservation measures for striped bass fisheries, “aimed at minimizing the number of fish that are killed through hooking and releasing.” Via The Lowell Sun.

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