Wednesday 19 April 2017

Tippets: Climate Change Rerouting Rivers, Wetland Grasses Dying on Louisiana Coast, Drilling in National Parks

  • A team of scientists have recorded the first documented case of river reorganization as a result of human-caused climate change. In 2016 a stream flowing through the Kaskawulsh Glacier in Kluane National Park, Yukon, began draining “in a different direction than normal, resulting in the Slims River water being rerouted to a different river system,” as a result of retreating glaciers. Via The Washington Post.
  • A wetland grass called Roseau cane is dying at an unprecedented rate along the Louisiana coast and invasive aphids may be to blame. The marshland grasses are vital habitat for young fish. Read more from Jonathan Wright via Fly Fisherman.
  • Iconic national parks such as the Great Sand Dunes, the Everglades, and the Grand Tetons are in danger of becoming hotspots for oil and gas drilling in the United States. “In late March, President Trump signed his 19th executive order, titled “Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth,” which in addition to rolling back a number of Obama-era climate polices may also make it easier for energy companies to drill in America’s national parks.” Via Fusion TV.


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