Wednesday 26 April 2017

Tippets: Lower Deschutes Water Quality Report, Climate Change and Cutthroat Trout, Native Fish Reintroduction in Idaho Raises Concerns

  • The Deschutes River Alliance recently published their 2016 Lower Deschutes Water Quality Report, including details about how the Round Butte Dam is affecting the lower Deschutes. The dam was intended “to return the lower river to pre-dam conditions and create passage conditions to restore salmon and steelhead runs.” However, many anglers and environmentalists think it might be having the negative impacts. Via Oregon Live.
  • Climate change and warming water in high altitude streams has opened habitat for rainbow trout at the expense of native cutthroats. A new study recently published in the journal Global Change Biology, examines the issue of hybridization between rainbows and cutthroats in the Rocky Mountains. Via NPR.
  • The State of Oregon has introduced a plan to reintroduce endangered steelhead and salmon upstream of the Hells Canyon dams. However, Idaho farmers who depend on the Snake River for irrigations have concerns about the hefty price tag. Via Capital Press.


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