Wednesday 12 April 2017

Tippets: Most Endangered Rivers of 2017, Anglers Fight Michigan Fish Hatchery, Florida’s Joe Bay Reopens

  • The 2017 Most Endangered Rivers report from American Rivers “highlights the threat President Trump’s proposed budget cuts pose to rivers and communities nationwide.” Topping the annual list is the Lower Colorado River, “where the communities, economy, and natural resources of the southwestern U.S. will be threatened if the Trump Administration and Congress don’t prioritize and fund innovative water management solutions.”
  • Anglers in Michigan continue to battle a plan to increase production at the Grayling Fish Hatchery. “A group of fly fishermen is leading the fight to stop that expansion of the aquaculture operation, citing the threat such an undertaking would present in terms of polluting the waterway and potentially ruining this treasured fishery.” Via The Blade.
  • After nearly 40 years of closure, Joe Bay, located on the northeastern shore of Florida Bay, has recently re-opened to fishing. In this recent article, Mike Hodge writes about the history of the area, the fishing opportunities, as well as exciting new research collaborations between scientists and anglers. Via Hatch Magazine.


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