Wednesday 5 July 2017

Tippets: Move to Repeal Water Pollution Regulation, Fish Friendly Roads, Skeena Sockeye Run Lowest on Record

  • The Trump administration recently took steps toward repealing an Obama-era regulation designed to limit water pollution. The rule, known as the Waters of the United States, was “issued under the authority of the 1972 Clean Water Act, the rule has been hailed by environmentalists.” Via The New York Times.
  • “Across the United States, migratory fish—like salmon, steelhead, and river herring—are particularly hard hit by barriers across streams and rivers.” This article by Katrina Liebich features solutions Alaska is putting in place to help migratory fish species thrive. Via Medium.
  • The 2017 sockeye salmon run on the Skeena River in northern B.C. is forecast to be the lowest on record. “As a result, more than a dozen First Nations communities along the river and on the coast have decided not to fish the sockeye run, the second such decision in the past four years. It has also resulted in a decision by Fisheries and Oceans Canada to close the recreational fishery on the Skeena River to all salmon species, including Chinook salmon prized by sports fishermen, until July 14.” Via The Vancouver Sun.


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