Wednesday 2 August 2017

Tippets: Comment on Rollback of Clean Water Act, Moffat Tunnel Expansion Project, Declining Steelhead Populations in British Columbia

  • The comment period on the EPA’s proposed rule, which would rescind protections for America’s headwaters, is now open through August 28, 2018. Take time to voice your concern.
  • Denver Water has been given the green light on the Moffat Tunnel Collection System expansion project would divert an estimated 4 billion gallons per year from the Fraser River to the Front Range. “River conservation advocates say Denver’s plan is an expensive boondoggle and will further dry up the Colorado and some of its key mountain tributaries that have already been severely depleted,” writes Bob Berwyn via Project Earth.
  • A new study published in the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences shows that survival of young steelhead trout in ocean environments is in precipitous decline. “Declining numbers of steelhead in the rivers flowing through British Columbia, Washington state, and Oregon are troubling fishers and fisheries managers alike.” Via


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