Wednesday 27 September 2017

Tippets: Bipartisan Effort on Climate Change, Salmon Return to Upper Elwha, Warming Waters Hurt Salmon Populations

  • Recently, a bipartisan meeting of the Climate Solutions Caucus was held on Capitol Hill to address “The Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Tourism and Recreational Activities.” Phil Monahan reports on the hearing via Orvis: “Together, sportsmen and –women represent a powerful constituency that can push hard for change, and the industries that support these outdoor pursuits bring economic clout to the argument, as well.”          
  • Fisheries managers in Olympic National Park have confirmed the first salmon in 102 years have reached the upper stretches of the Elwha River. “They found three adult Chinook salmon, all between 30 and 36 inches long, in the former Lake Mills, between Windy Arm and Glines Canyon.” Via The National Park Service.
  • Unusually warm sea surface temperatures in the North Pacific Ocean is having serious effects on salmon populations. “Federal research surveys this summer caught among the lowest numbers of juvenile coho and Chinook salmon in 20 years, suggesting that many fish did not survive their first months at sea. Scientists warn that salmon fisheries may face hard times in the next few years.” Via The Spokesman–Review.


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