Wednesday 20 September 2017

Tippets: Removing Small Dams, Fish Virus Spreading in Pacific Northwest, Recovering the Yellowcheek Darter

  • Large dam removal projects bring focused political resistance, but “conservationists are finding many landowners of small dams are happy to have them removed.” Read more about starting small from Kathleen Masterson via Vermont Public Radio.
  • A highly contagious virus known as infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus, or IHNV, can be lethal to juvenile fish and “represents a major threat to local conservation efforts and the fishing industry in the Pacific Northwest,” reports Sean Duffy of Courthouse News.
  • In this article in Arkansas Life, Johnny Carrol Sain writes about the endangered yellowcheek darter. While “Still on the Endangered Species List, yellowcheek darters are slowly gaining ground, right alongside the soil and habitat on the banks of Archey Fork.”


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