Wednesday 13 September 2017

Tippets: San Clemente Dam Removal, Salmon Management Questioned, Ethics of Tarpon Tournaments

  • In 2015, removal of the San Clemente dam became the largest dam removal project in California history. “Removing the dam served a dual purpose: to dislodge a seismic hazard and restore the landscape, allowing endangered steelhead, lamprey and endangered red-legged frogs to return.” Via KQED.
  • In this article by Rocky Barker of The Idaho Statesman, the basis of salmon management is called into question. Research by biologists Rick Williams and Jim Lichatowich posit that “Our reliance on hatcheries, indiscriminate catch techniques, and destruction and fragmentation of habitat are at the root of salmon’s struggles.”
  • In this piece Ted Williams writes about restoring tarpon populations as well as angling ethics at tournaments. “Fish lack fur and feathers. They’re cold, slimy and, for most people, unseen. Even today few Americans consider them wildlife; but at least our angling ethics and respect for fish are recovering. Most tarpon states now sharply limit the number of tarpon you can kill.” Read more via Cool Green Science, The Nature Conservancy.


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