Wednesday 6 June 2018

Tippets: Wild and Scenic River Act, The Greenland Agreement, Virus Moves from Farmed to Wild Salmon

  • To mark the 50th anniversary of the Wild and Scenic River act, conservation organizations and outdoor businesses have come together in support of the 5,000 Miles of Wild initiative, which aims to designate 5,000 new miles of rivers as Wild and Scenic by 2020 and collect 5,000 stories about rivers over the coming year.
  • An agreement between two conservation organizations, the Atlantic Salmon Federation and the North Atlantic Salmon Fund, and Greenland’s commercial fishermen will halt commercial harvest of Atlantic Salmon in the waters of Greenland and the Faroe Islands. “Atlantic salmon were in dire need of help,” writes Monte Burke. “And now they’ve gotten it.” Read more via Forbes.
  • New research finds that a virus common in farmed Atlantic salmon also causes disease in farmed Pacific chinook salmon. The new study has reignited concern over the possibility of the infectious disease migrating from farmed fish to wild fish. Via Hakai Magazine.


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