Wednesday 5 April 2017

Tippets: Take Wild Steelhead Off Menu, Battle for Bull Trout, Benefits of Dam Removal

  • The American Fly Fishing Trade Association has released a statement on the decision by Seafood Watch to list wild steelhead as a “good alternative” menu item. “We are concerned this draft is not based on the best available science,” writes AFFTA President, Ben Bulis, “and would readily urge Seafood Watch to postpone its determination until assessment criteria unique to anadromous species such as steelhead and salmon can be developed.”
  • Suppression of invasive lake trout in backcountry lakes in Glacier National Park “continues to show signs of success for bull trout,” reports the Flathead Beacon. A study published in the journal Fisheries Management and Ecology explains the suppression effort and how it could be applied to other invasive species in broader habitats.
  • The removal of dams for salmon populations has helped other species as well. “Had John Muir been alive to witness the failure of Atlantic salmon recovery in the U.S.,” writes Ted Williams, “he might have amended his famous quote as follows: “When we try to recover anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” Via The Nature Conservancy.


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